Its imperative to invest your money somewhere to manage it. Along with the advice on how to do it, we also suggest on where to do it. Our team has the competency to advise you on the different financial products available in the market and on the process of investing into it.

The choice of the product may depend up on the overall objective of your investment, risk appetite and time horizon. While it may not have a well-defined universal mathematical formula but combination of analytical results on the mentioned factors may help us to choose the combination of products that are available in the market like:

  • Direct Equity
  • Fixed income products like Bonds, Debentures, Corporate FDs and Small savings schemes
  • Managed portfolios like Mutual Funds and PMS (Portfolio Management Services)
  • Alternative investments like Real Estate, Precious Metals, Derivatives, Antiques

We have a strong distribution network that will help you to create a portfolio that suits your requirements and manage it till you achieve your goal.

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